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By George Mercurius March 27, 2025
Wondering how much a private investigator costs? Our transparent pricing guide covers hourly rates ($85-250), retainers ($1,000-10,000), and service-specific fees across Los Angeles. Get a free consultation today and receive a detailed cost estimate tailored to your case.
By George Mercurius March 27, 2025
Need a private detective near you in Los Angeles? Our licensed investigators provide same-day service with a 94% case success rate across all LA neighborhoods. From infidelity to corporate investigations, our local experts deliver court-admissible evidence—call now for a free confidential consultation.
By George Mercurius March 27, 2025
Need a private investigator in Los Angeles? Our licensed investigators provide same-day service throughout LA County with a 95% case success rate. From infidelity to corporate investigations, we offer local expertise that gets results—call now for a free confidential consultation.

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Surveillance conducted by a private investigator (PI) is a powerful tool for uncovering hidden aspects of an individual’s life. By discreetly monitoring a subject’s activities, interactions, and behaviors, PIs can reveal information that might otherwise remain concealed. Here’s how surveillance can be instrumental in discovering someone’s secrets: 

  1. Objective Observation PIs serve as impartial observers, documenting a subject’s actions without personal bias. This objectivity ensures that the information gathered is accurate and reliable, providing a true representation of the individual’s behavior.
  2. Identifying Behavioral Patterns Through continuous surveillance, PIs can detect patterns in a person’s behavior over time. These patterns may indicate involvement in activities such as fraud, infidelity, or other illicit conduct. For instance, a PI might observe a subject frequently meeting with unknown individuals at odd hours, suggesting potential clandestine activities. 
  3. Exposing Deceptive Practices Individuals often go to great lengths to hide certain aspects of their lives. Surveillance can uncover discrepancies between a person’s public persona and their private actions. For example, a subject claiming to be unemployed might be observed working at an undisclosed location, indicating possible deceit.
  4. Gathering Concrete Evidence Surveillance allows PIs to collect tangible evidence, such as photographs or videos, documenting a subject’s activities. This evidence can be crucial in legal proceedings, providing undeniable proof of certain behaviors. For example, in cases of suspected infidelity, visual evidence of a spouse’s interactions can be pivotal.
  5. Ensuring Legal Compliance Professional PIs are well-versed in the legal boundaries of surveillance. They conduct their investigations within the confines of the law, ensuring that any evidence collected is admissible in court.

This adherence to legal standards protects clients from potential legal repercussions. In summary, surveillance by a private investigator is a vital method for uncovering hidden truths. It provides clients with a comprehensive understanding of a subject’s behavior, enabling informed decision-making based on factual evidence.

A man in a black hat is taking a picture with a camera.

Blue Systems International Surveillance private investigator’s posses with artistic advanced techniques to help our clients achieve extraordinary results during a surveillance investigation. Surveillance PI can uncover sensitive and confidential information, within the legal guidelines. A surveillance detective can testify as an expert witness in a court of law; And the evidence would be admissible within the courts procedures, in compliance with State and Federal law guidelines.

The most dangerous, illegal, costly and reckless act is to start your own surveillance. Following a person is not an easy task and causes many people to be involved in deadly auto accidents and even worse; If you have no idea who you are investigating, watching or following around. You will find yourself in uncharted and dangerous situations that may increase your legal problems. Not to mention, of course it’s illegal for anyone to start or commence their own surveillance. Surveillance Pi in Los Angeles and Orange counties can cover the entire state of California. Surveillance private investigator’s always provide clients with integrity shots with the most advanced camera and video equipment.

Discreet, Reliable Surveillance Services

Whether you need personal or business surveillance, trust our expert investigators to collect the evidence legally and securely.

Surveillance is a technique and art that takes dedication, hard work and many years to master; In order to surveil a subject without getting noticed.  Orange County private investigators have mastered the surveillance techniques and are ready to serve you.

The first thing you should never do if you are following someone's activity is not follow them right away if they start to move. What you need to do is as follows: after they move follow their movements after they choose to move. Do not immediately move after they do so you might get noticed. You want to move about eight feet behind them. If you want to be effective do not let them see you need to blend in with everyone around you, don't make unnecessary noises or move too close to them. This might get you noticed, and will attract unnecessary attention. If you are driving in a vehicle the same thing applies. Do not immediately move when they do. While driving, stay parallel to them not to close not too far in the same lane. Try to imagine your not there having a strong presence looking or staring too long might direct their focus to you. Never get too close. Always know their vehicle information and appearance. If they have any tattoos, any scars, what color hair, what color eyes, if they have long hair, short hair, what address they live at, what color car they drive, how big around the waist, how tall they are, and if they are male or female. You also never want to break the law while on the job. You don't want to run any stop signs or traffic lights. Be as safe as you possibly can. Be cautious. The law is their for a reason and you need to follow it. There are no exceptions to breaking the law. Before you tail someone you need to know as much about them that you possibly can. Things such as where they live, where they travel to, where they work, what relationships they have, if they have any prior convictions, if so what were they. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Always be prepared so you don't fail. Always know who you're following to the best of your knowledge. Always know your surroundings, know if they are gang related. If you are prepared for the situation you will most likely not fail.

Any and all videos and evidence must be obtained by a licensed private investigator during a worker compensation defenseSub-Rosa investigation, or evidence that will be entered in a court of law. Any other way such you or a friend helping by taking pictures, videos or evidence will not be admitted in court; Since it was not recorded and or collected by a licensed private investigator who is responsible to authenticate the evidence to be submitted, recognized and accepted in a court of law.

If you would like a free consultation tailored to your specific case parameters and needs; Than please fill out the online surveillance request form here.

If you’re caught running a surveillance or following a person around, you maybe charged with stalking, arrested and even a restraining order filed against you.

The cost of surveillance can triple after an individual starts their surveillance and investigation without a private investigator; Since it would take the private investigator longer to capture the evidence due to a compromise.

Surveillance is an art that an investigator masters from years of experience through trial and error. Surveillance may sound simple, however, there are several obstacles that meet the most experienced investigator. For example Surveillance requires a private investigator to sit in a vehicle for long hours in the middle of the hot sunny California, while being quiet and alert of the surroundings. Private Investigator must keep a close watch on the subject in order to be ready and follow.

Professional Surveillance You Can Trust

From infidelity to corporate investigations, we deliver precise, legal surveillance services to uncover the truth and protect your interests.

In order to engage in a successful surveillance, a private investigator must have the most advanced equipment and tools since most people who are being watched are surveillance sensitive and always paranoid and looking around. Surveillance is a very useful investigative service and tool since it provides intelligence and and overall picture of a person, business or entity. For example most people who are committing or doing wrongful activity are naturally paranoid and their conscience play a big part that indicates guilt but at the same time caution. Human nature plays a very unique part of any surveillance, it can be described as a sword that cuts both ways: Through a video surveillance you can clearly notice from the body language how a person is uneasy, paranoid and looking around to ensure that he/she are not caught committing or doing something wrong. At the same time this uneasy feeling and paranoia allows the perpetrator to become more responsive, alert and fully aware of the surroundings. An experience PI surveillance expert would have learned that obtaining several different types of video equipment, binoculars, internet access in a vehicle and most advanced surveillance tools & tactics are a must for successful results of an investigative surveillance.

Surveillance pays off when it’s done by a professional private investigator who is consistent and ready to capture that priceless moment.

Private Investigator can set up a surveillance anywhere in the world. Surveillance by MJ PI had covered the Earth to form the biosphere. Private Investigators — thinking surveillance — would eventually encompass life to form a higher layer, a cogitative layer private investigator MJ called the noosphere surveillance. MJ PI Surveillance that figure holding that large ancient volume, that was part and entity of the noosphere. The surveillance took place from the Red Sea and only through the Seas of Knowledge; MJ PI, who come down here all the way from Ancient Egyptian times. was able to commence the surveillance via sea.

MJ PI Surveillance International investigator & world wide Expert; The surveillance, or “PI stakeout,” requires a PI to logically observe people and places from a distance. A surveillance by a Private Investigator can be set up in variations to include the one- and two-person Private Investigator surveillance techniques. The PI Surveillance is more successful with fruitful results as a 2 PI surveillance technique. The 2 PI surveillance technique, allows a PI surveillance agent to periodically switch positions, reducing a suspect’s chances of spotting them. By contrast, The PI surveillance agent assigned to one-person surveillance is very stressful and must run video at all times. The PI surveillance agent will be unable to take his eyes off the scene since once the action occurs; You only have that priceless video moment to record. A good Private Investigator surveillance agent will want to record that special moment for his/her own gratification even though The Private Investigator surveillance will be paid for the time spent at the surveillance site. PI: is a Private Investigator who conducts a surveillance and therefore, referred to as a Private Investigator surveillance.

What is surveillance?

Surveillance is the close observation of a person, place, or object. It is the practice of watching a subject in order to document and identify any of the contact, interactions, or whereabouts of the subject. Surveillance investigations can include:

  • Missing person searches
  • Cheating spouse investigations
  • Recurrent theft
  • Worker’s compensation cases
  • Vandalism

 Why Conduct Surveillance?

There are a number of reasons to conduct surveillance. Surveillance is conducted to prevent crime, to obtain evidence of a crime, to obtain evidence in civil suits, to document an individual’s location, to document activities in or around a specific location or building, to obtain information to be used in an interrogation, to gather intelligence, or to obtain information to be used in court.

Simply, you might need surveillance from qualified private investigator at some point in your life. With marital infidelity on the rise, employee dishonesty increasing, and crime rates a concern for everyone across the country, surveillance is one way you can stay safe and secure. Surveillance gives you the facts and proof you need about those people you trust with your home, your children, your money, and your life.

Does Surveillance Affect Privacy?

Many people worry that surveillance affects their privacy. Often times, surveillance is a balancing act of security and privacy concerns. Thus, it’s important to stay on the right side of the law. New privacy laws mean that surveillance through audio and video equipment as well as other forms of surveillance equipment can be restricted when not performed by a private investigator.

Can I Use Home Surveillance Systems?

If you want security surveillance for your home, home surveillance equipment usually causes very few legal problems. As long as you’re not using home surveillance equipment to monitor people without their permission, you can generally use security surveillance equipment to keep your home safe from intruders. If, on the other hand, you are using surveillance techniques or surveillance equipment to observe potentially cheating spouses, potentially dishonest employees, or caretakers, you may be breaking the law.

Who Should Conduct Surveillance?

The best option is to hire qualified private investigator. A professional investigator is licensed and insured to provide surveillance and to gather evidence through audio and video equipment. Plus, a professional investigator is often the most effective way to observe someone or something. Investigators are trained for years in order to be able to track down alleged criminals or uncover dishonesty in any form. Since private investigators are well-versed in current laws and often work with police and police investigations, you don’t have to worry about legal impediments when you entrust your surveillance needs to investigator. Plus, investigators have access to various types of surveillance equipment–such as one-way mirrors, specialized equipment, and special vehicles–that can make surveillance more effective. If surveillance reveals illegal activity, evidence gathered by private investigators often stands up in court much better than evidence gathered by the average citizen.

Or you could commit time researching laws in your area or hiring a lawyer to find out whether your surveillance techniques are legal in your area. Of course, you can always stop surveillance entirely and just hope that the people you trust with your safety and security are, in fact, trustworthy. But let’s face it: these alternatives either put you at risk or are expensive.

Looking for a Surveillance Investigator?

If you suspect that a spouse is cheating, that a nanny or babysitter is abusive, or that an employee is dishonest, it can be difficult to concentrate on everyday tasks. Why waste your time, energy, and stay up nights worrying? A single call to a private investigator can put you on the path to learning the truth. Call US now at 714-592-8000.

You don’t even have to spend hours researching the best private investigators in your area. We are nationwide and have affiliates and offices all over California & the USA.

BSI private investigators specializes in conducting worker compensation investigation and surveillance in order to provide legal and undisputed evidence that supports a company’s defense against a worker compensation claim.

Why do we conduct surveillance?

Surveillance is conducted to prevent a crime, to obtain evidence of a crime, to obtain evidence of wrongful action in a civil suit, to document an individual’s location, to document activities in or around a specific location or building, to obtain information to be used in an interrogation, to gather intelligence as a basis for future action and to obtain information to be used in court.

What are the different types of surveillance?

The types of surveillance that fit with individual cases vary. Private investigators have to decide which types of surveillance are best suited by understanding the case and the desired outcome of the surveillance. The nature of the case will dictate whether the surveillance will be mechanical or human, whether it will be covert or overt and whether the surveillance will be stationary or mobile.

Digital surveillance using devices

We bought this new several years ago. We have only used it once or twice. I recall that we successfully used this rock in Orange County and Los Angeles County areas with lots of rain on the ground, with a vantage point from a wooded area near a home in a cul-de-sac. We did have to strategize about the installation, as line of sight is required and the a camera device as a rock needs to be fairly close to the subject.  We also had to collect the SD card from the rock periodically, charge the battery and replace the rock, so we needed to access the rock in the wee hours to do so.  It seems the lag time for camera to activate was a bit slowed when the temperature was below freezing, but it still worked. (i.e., images of the subject coming and going from his residence were delayed such that he/she could be seen closing their car door and driving away, but not coming down the steps of house). We captured images of bears getting into the trash, so thereafter were extra cautious when we were crawling around in the dark.

Our clients were satisfied with the outcomes using this device. The rock paid for itself with its first use (I think we paid nearly $1,100 at the time). We charged for a set-up fee, daily use fees, and hourly fees when we had to go back out and swap things out. We also charged for reviewing the video images, which can take some time. When the clients compare the cost of a manned surveillance vs. use of the rock, it was an easy sale. The rock is quite lifelike, and about a foot high. It is not the perfect solution for surveillance, but can be useful in those situations where there is no place for an investigator to be inconspicuous, and when the clients can’t afford manned assignments.

Mechanical Surveillance vs Human Surveillance

Mechanical surveillance is when technological devices are used to conduct surveillance. This is beneficial because equipment doesn’t get tired, hungry, or bored. Equipment can be used at multiple locations at the same time and information from equipment at different locations can be accessed simultaneously. For example, mechanical surveillance would be used over human in a case where someone is stealing from a construction site. Private investigators can put up cameras and go back and harvest the recordings.

Human surveillance is when the investigative team is the main source of information. Human surveillance includes tailing targets and observing targets in person. If a private investigator is looking for a missing child, they have to start by investigating the usual haunts of the child and personally visiting those locations.

Overt Surveillance vs Covert Surveillance

Overt surveillance is visible security like security agents at the mall and security cameras in casinos. With overt surveillance, people know the surveillance equipment is there to make sure no one is stealing or cheating.

Covert surveillance is undetected surveillance. Undercover detectives usually conduct this type of surveillance. It may involve trailing a target or using a piece of equipment, like a GPS tracking device, on a company truck or automobile without the company or driver’s knowledge (provided this it does not violate the laws within that state).

Mobile Surveillance vs Stationary Surveillance

Mobile surveillance involves following a moving target. Say a case involves theft from a transporter, investigators may have to follow it along its route to observe whether or not an employee or driver is stealing.

Stationary surveillance is when the investigator stays in one place to observe the target. If a neighbor is complaining that somebody is damaging their property, a private investigator can watch the property from a stationary post, like a parked car.

Preparing for Surveillance

Know the client’s needs. What is it that the client is trying to accomplish through surveillance? The answer to this question determines what types of surveillance will be needed, the scope of the project and the types of equipment that will be used. Private investigators have to educate the potential client and manage their expectations as investigations are often more complicated and costly than the client anticipates.

Know the subject

Before conducting surveillance investigators should always complete a background check with comprehensive records research on the target and acquire as much information as possible about them- name, address, phone number, complete physical description, photograph and relatives in the immediate vicinity. Private investigators will also want to know pertinent background information such as routines, habits, hobbies, schedules and associates.

Know the area

Private investigators should always have a map of the area where the surveillance will be taking place. If possible, they should also have a photograph of the building they are watching or the location where surveillance will begin. If surveillance is taking place at night or in the early morning, it’s good to visit the site during various periods of the day and night.

Know your equipment

The kind of equipment a private investigator uses is contingent upon the nature of the surveillance itself. Investigators need to get familiar with their equipment ahead of time and practice with it. If surveillance involves a camera or a video camera, prepared investigators will have two of them with backup batteries. Sometimes investigators don’t get a second opportunity to capture an activity.

Every private investigator should have a flashlight for working at night, binoculars or a telescope, a tape recorder, two-way radios for team surveillance, a tripod for security equipment, gas in the car, appropriate attire, snacks and water.

Know yourself

I’m an avid believer in stress management. Investigators must do what is necessary to prepare their minds for work, like exercise, get plenty of sleep and have a practiced plan. All private investigators should also to be prepared for a situation where they are approached by a stranger or by the police while conducting surveillance. I always have a convincing story ready to tell. For stationary surveillance in a car I might say, “I’m doing a speed study”.

Complicated Surveillance & Techniques

This investigation and surveillance was challenging and complicated since the claimant was on a cul-de-sac with a an aggressive neighborhood watch. Neighbors have approached investigator’s vehicle twice and have called the Police to report their suspension. The aggressive neighbors took photos of investigator’s vehicle & license plates. The second issue was the extreme heat temperatures reaching 115 degrees during the day. My Surveillance vehicle overheated due to the engine running with Air-condition and no movement. The claimant drives aggressively and extremely fast; On highway reaching approximately 100 miles per hour.

In order to protect the secrecy of this investigation and it’s integrity; This investigator had to park outside of neighborhood on the exit street, adjacent to and wait for the claimant’s Black Honda Accord to exit onto Sweet Woodruff Drive, in order to pursue the surveillance.

What Every Investigator Should Know About Conducting Surveillance

Surveillance is incredibly demanding and challenging. Private investigators who are successful at surveillance have to possess certain qualities. Someone with an outgoing personality, exceptional communication skills, the ability to take action, a good memory, an ability to blend into their surroundings and a strong attention to detail would be a good fit for surveillance. This person should also be honest, patient, observant, resourceful, flexible and focused. Not every person is able to sit for hours and focus on a particular area. Investigators often sit in an automobile for up to ten hours on the coldest day of winter or the hottest day of summer. Foremost important is to run a background check on the person who, the investigator will be surveilling.

Ethics and Laws Relevant to Conducting Surveillance

All private investigators should know the laws that may affect their work in their respective states. Trespassing and audio recording laws are especially important to know. Laws regarding audio recording vary across the states and some states prohibit covert audio recording. In Massachusetts, a state where two party consent is necessary, audio recording without consent is a 15 year felony.

Informing Authorities about Investigations

In California there is a courtesy notification form private investigators fill out to inform police when they will be in an area. An investigator should never tell them the nature of the investigation nor tell them whom they are investigating. Say a neighborhood watch reports suspicious activity in their area, if the police already know a private investigator is there, it rules them out as a suspect. Some states do not have this option, so if a private investigation is interrupted, don’t argue, just leave.

How can surveillance aid an investigation?

Surveillance is not always necessary in an investigation. Surveillance adds to an investigation when a visual confirmation of the actions or the whereabouts of the target is necessary to concluding the investigation. If an investigator needs to catch a thief in the act, find and confirm the whereabouts of a missing person or prove a worker’s compensation claim is false, surveillance is necessary.


Each of the three core competencies of private investigation plays a critical role in working through an investigation. As a valuable tool, interviewing helps investigators get more information and a clearer picture of the situation they are investigating. Combining that knowledge with records research and the basics of surveillance helps investigators hone their skills and become more effective in the field.



Personal security cameras – how they are used

Even though security was always an important issue for many people, it seems that nowadays, that’s even more important. The crime rates that are constantly on the rise are one good reason for the lack of trust among people. The personal security cameras are seen as one of the most efficient tools for making sure that someone can be considered trustworthy and honest. They can bring us the peace of mind we all need when allowing a stranger to be responsible for things or people we care the most.

For an example, nowadays, the personal security cameras are widely used as nanny spy cameras. Many mums don’t fully trust their new nannies and because of that they use hidden cameras to monitor the behavior of their new nannies. The fact that the cameras are disguised as clocks, statues or air purifiers makes them very convenient for use.

Another way that they are used is as bedroom spy cameras. Many men and women feel insecure when they are out on a business trip or spending long hours at work. Because of that they sometimes install a hidden bedroom spy camera to make sure that their partner is worthy of their trust.

Many managers and HR companies use mystery shoppers with body worn hidden cameras. That way, they can rely not only on the mystery shopper has to report to them, but on what they can actually see on the recording. That is why managers and HR employees care more about the quality of the camera that the mystery shopper will wear, than the actual mystery shopper.

Vehicle protection is always on the table with personal security cameras. Not only that the camera will record everyone that tries to steal your vehicle, but it will also record if some of your teenage children borrow it without you knowing about it.

If you need a private investigator in Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, or anywhere in Southern California to run surveillance for you, contact Blue Systems International today – 714-592-8000.

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