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By George Mercurius December 16, 2024
Discover how to conduct thorough background checks in Los Angeles County for employment and personal screening. Get quick, reliable reports in just a few steps
By George Mercurius December 14, 2024
Facing a workers' comp claim? Discover the legal boundaries of private investigations and tactics employers use to monitor injured workers. Stay informed
Investigators Conducting Background Check for a client
By George Mercurius December 9, 2024
Understand Background Checks in Orange County! Get a free consultation for a background check in California with no obligations! Contact us today to learn more!

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CA Private Investigator
License No. 28286

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Private Investigator in Santa Ana

Santa Ana Private Investigators enjoy, specialize and love to work for companies and corporations that are suffering from Worker compensation fraudulent claims.

Our surveillance investigators Are equipped with the most advanced cameras, binoculars and tools that are gears for a Worker’s Compensation investigation and surveillance.

The professional private investigator’s team in Santa Ana enjoys serving Santa Ana and Orange County, California clients. Santa Ana private investigator truly puts their client’s first including safety, well being, assets and legal rights.

Are you suing someone?

Are you being sued?

Did a suspect scam you?

Are your husband or wife cheating and committing infidelity you?

Do you have a personal problem and issue that needs to be investigated?
The private investigation industry an industry that is utilized by people that cannot be helped by the police. Private investigators come in to situations that are in other words hopeless in the eyes of others. Private investigator industry help others achieve justice. Private investigators help clients by advising them on what to do on legal matter and how to deal with them correctly with out breaking any laws. Santa Ana private investigators help people that think there is no way out of a bad situation;
In reality help is only a call away Text or call 714-592-8000 for a free consultation. Blue Systems International private investigators in Santa Ana are capable of investigating the most complicated and aggressive investigations with superior results that exceeds a clients expectations.

Is one of your former employees or independent contractors filing a worker compensation claim against you?

Maybe one of your employees this claim and they were hurt on the job but you believe they are just trying to get paid we are here to do a thorough investigation we provide services like Background checks to see if your former employee has done this to any of their other former employers.

Or perhaps one of your employees is filing a suit against you for wrongful termination?

A private investigator (PI) is one who works on behalf of private parties, insurance companies, law firms, corporations, and businesses. There are a number of ways in which a PI can carry out their work duties and investigations: skip tracing, asset searches, background checks, computer forensics, and surveillance including forensic investigations. Private investigators work to fulfill their clients’ objectives within the confines of the law, and have many resources to do this. These investigators usually specialize in one of the many types of investigations that exist for private clients. They have access to crime scene evidence when working cases that involve crimes in the courtroom for their own analysis, data bases, and even background checks for victims of stalking. Private investigators are sufficiently trained and taught with both the educational, and hands on experience before beginning their career as a private investigator.


Whatever the case maybe we here at Santa Ana private investigators can help you find all the answers within the law and saving you all the danger of not knowing the truth, stress, headaches. and financial stress. Private detectives in Santa Ana are eager to engage and start investigations for people that need help in a personal or legal matter.

That is just one of the many services we provide for our Clientele. While you may only have access to public record’s, private investigator’s team in Santa Ana can go above and beyond to capture the most sensitive, confidential and hidden information, evidence, photos, including videos. Give us a call and I guarantee that Santa Ana private investigators always are looking forward to exceeding your expectations and you will not be disappointed.


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