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By George Mercurius March 27, 2025
Wondering how much a private investigator costs? Our transparent pricing guide covers hourly rates ($85-250), retainers ($1,000-10,000), and service-specific fees across Los Angeles. Get a free consultation today and receive a detailed cost estimate tailored to your case.
By George Mercurius March 27, 2025
Need a private detective near you in Los Angeles? Our licensed investigators provide same-day service with a 94% case success rate across all LA neighborhoods. From infidelity to corporate investigations, our local experts deliver court-admissible evidence—call now for a free confidential consultation.
By George Mercurius March 27, 2025
Need a private investigator in Los Angeles? Our licensed investigators provide same-day service throughout LA County with a 95% case success rate. From infidelity to corporate investigations, we offer local expertise that gets results—call now for a free confidential consultation.

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CA Private Investigator
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Orange County Private Investigator

Orange County Private Investigator

Orange County Private Investigator can help you climb over a mountain of stress, doubt, and uncertainty. Allow our team of private investigator’s intelligence, knowledge, expertise, experience, and sophisticated minds to guide you through a legal or a personal matter.

Private Investigator in Orange County is licensed by the state of California to investigate crimes and cases on behalf of clients such as persons, companies, or corporations. A free consultation can be obtained by an Orange County private investigator, who is available by texting or calling 714-592-8000.

Private investigator Orange County are offering professional, confidential services, experience, and advanced techniques that can help with your personal or legal case.  A private investigator in Orange County can investigate cases all over California including cities within Orange County. Infidelity, cheating spouses, surveillance, worker’s compensation fraud, background checks, due diligence, used car dealer fraud and verification of information.  Private investigators in Orange County are trained to investigate and solve complex personal or legal cases that are in a court of law. 

Orange County Private Investigators assists attorneys, Orange County residents, law enforcement, companies, small businesses, international clients, and out of state private citizens with difficult situations. Orange County has the capability, resources, and advanced tools to help an investigation. Orange County Private Investigators is proud of utilizing our investigative expertise to help clients. Don’t procrastinate or waste valuable time; start an investigation, to catch crucial evidence that can save you time and your health.

All private investigators in Orange County who work for Blue Systems International, #BsiPiFirm, are professional, experienced and eager to serve the clients with top-notch outstanding results. Exceeding our clients’ expectations is our number one duty and greatest pleasure.

Orange County Private Investigators can help you tremendously by reviewing your case and bringing to your attention any and all available avenues and maneuvers that are possible and can generate the most positive and fruitful results. For example, a fraudulent civil case can be investigated thoroughly in order to evolve it in a fraudulent criminal case. Any and all fraudulent criminal cases can be prosecuted by the city attorney’s office. The advantages are priceless once a criminal case is prosecuted by the district attorney’s office, which happens at no cost to you, vs. a civil lawsuit case by a private attorney, which costs a lot of money and expenses. In other words, providing evidence that proves that your case meets the criminal elements of law and standards is essential for the police, state attorney and federal government to realize that a crime has been committed. The most powerful benefit of a case to be criminally prosecuted is the fact that the defendant is looking at jail time versus in civil cases, the worst case scenario is a civil judgment that can be avoided by hiding in the shadows, which is usual for scammers and criminals. Civil judgments are no match for criminal restitution court orders that are issued during criminal cases. If you want to get justice, then fight back by hiring Orange County Private Investigators in order to learn about every possible avenue within the legal system that can prove the criminal elements of your case.

Blue Systems International Orange County Private Investigators’ team can help you concur your legal problems by providing rebuttal evidence and investigative reports, within the California penal codes and the court’s evidentiary procedures, to the California Supreme Court.

Are you looking for an experienced, licensed and insured surveillance private investigator for an investigation case in Mission Viejo or Orange County that includes:

  • Background checks
  • Missing persons
  • Surveillance
  • TSCM bug sweep
  • Litigation support
  • Fraud investigations
  • Due diligence investigations
  • Worker compensation defense investigations

All of our private investigator agents have date and time stamped video and covert capabilities. All covert footage and videos are uploaded to Dropbox, Google Drive, and or our own online system. If interested in hiring a Mission Viejo private investigator; Blue Systems International is available 24/7 by filling out our online case intake form, or by texting or calling 714-569-0722.
Orange County Private Investigators humbly enjoys the pride in serving our clients beyond their expectations and enjoys pursuing conniving stalkers, scammers, and criminals to justice at the cost of our own safety and well- being including the wrath of cyber attacks and fraudulent negative reviews by stalkers, scammers, criminals, and defendants.
Find Orange County private detective on Google maps and Google + plus for a free consultation & 10% discount on private investigator services in Orange County and background check.
Private Investigators in Orange County can provide excellent, useful, and productive information, evidence, and results to support the litigation of your case in court.

Orange County Private Investigator

Surveillance and background checks are like bread-and-butter for Orange County Private Investigators.

Blue Systems International (BSI) is a team of former state and federal law enforcement investigators with a combined experience of over 100 years. The private investigation 

agency is licensed, insured and bonded.

Orange County Private Investigators has access to the most advanced and sophisticated tools and systems in the investigation industry. Thus, we are able to provide our clients with accurate and outstanding results. In addition, our investigative efforts reach throughout the United States. Therefore, allowing BSI to conduct international, as well as comprehensive background checks upon demand. All of our agreements and contracts bind the firm with a confidentiality clause and all of our clients’ information is kept confidential at the highest level and priority. Likewise, all of our communication is through a secured system on our website, making the availability, integrity, and confidentiality of your content fail-safe.

Stalkers and sexual predators are the worst type of cases that Orange County Private Investigators handles. We love prosecuting, pursuing, and investigating conniving stalkers, scammers, and criminals. Bringing crooks to justice is our greatest joy.

We are a worldwide private investigating firm operating 24 hours per day since 2000. We are known for being a professional, full-service intelligence-gathering operation, and offer a variety of specialized services to the public, international and domestic corporations, small to large businesses, public and private firms, and individuals who are seeking critical, time-sensitive discovery, information, and security.

We know the challenges that everyone faces today. Not knowing the truth can drive you insane! Find out the truth today by giving us a call at at (714) 592-8000.

Click here if you are an investigative professional

Blue Systems International Private Investigator services are available in Orange County, Los Angeles County, Riverside County, Kern County, and San Bernardino County. We proudly utilize the most advanced systems, tools, and tactics to excel and achieve even the highest goals. Orange County Private Investigators aims for outstanding results through our investigative work and always looks forward to exceeding your expectations. Orange County Private Investigators is licensed, insured, and bonded to the highest degree to protect our clients from any type of legal issue.

Often times Orange County Private Investigators is hired and tasked to solve an issue the client has inherited. Civil, criminal, legal and personal issues can manifest themselves in the form of cheating, general deception, money laundering, and potentially many others. A client can seek out a private detective, give us as many facts as possible, and then be able to rely on us to either confirm or deny their suspicions.

Orange County Private Investigators role isn’t just to figure out the case issues, but to give the client peace of mind and a plan of future action; with protecting client’s rights and assets. If Orange County Private Investigators accepted and took on a client who suspected his/her significant other cheating or being unfaithful then by the end of the case we either give them the knowledge and evidence that they have nothing to worry about, or we give them the photos, videos, and proof that they have been deceived. And in either case, they are able to move forward and make an appropriate plan of action.






Principal Investigator

The Principal private investigator (PI) is charged to conduct objective research that generates independent, high quality, and reproducible results. The Principal Investigator is responsible for the management and integrity of the design, conduct, and reporting of the research project and for managing, monitoring, and ensuring the integrity of any collaborative relationships. Additionally, the Principal Investigator is responsible for the direction and oversight of compliance, financial, personnel, and other related aspects of the research project and for coordination with school, department, and central administration personnel to assure research in is conducted in accordance with Federal regulations and State agency policies and procedures.

  1. Private investigators at Blue Systems International and our supporting group of forensic experts, counterintelligence agents, and legal information specialists consistently get results for all types of clients. Each member of our staff is trained, experienced and works for you in Client Services Groups specializing in most areas of private investigations. Orange County private investigator units are available using our 24-hour rapid response operations. These men and women are Orange County private investigators who are dedicated, ready to help you and will be able to deploy a team of highly-credentialed experts to work on your case, rather than relying on just one person. Our efficiency and teamwork saves you time and maintains integrity throughout the case process. Many of our agents are members of our bilingual private investigator group and are cultural, national, and gender diverse. All members of BSI must clear a thorough background check prior to employment and are subject to relentless integrity testing.

A private investigator can collect evidence and must follow complicated legal procedures to ensure introducing evidence in court complies with the strict court procedures and legalities. Did you know that many cases are lost in litigation due to procedural errors that prohibit evidence from being entered in a court case?

One of my main talents is to help people and clients with their problems and crisis situations. Attorneys, judges and the legal system appreciate private investigators because we work very hard in order to provide evidence and the truth in any case. I am an expert private investigator with over 20 years of experience and I take great pleasure in helping men and women with their legal problems, trauma, and crisis. Many criminals choose women as victims because the criminals are cowards and are looking for a vulnerable easy target. In my experience, which is confirmed by statistics, ladies tend to identify and anticipate danger and problems much faster and with more accuracy than men. Therefore, ladies are more eager to hire a PI and address the problem and issue before it becomes a CRISIS.

The most important issue in any type of investigation is timing and therefore, it is imperative to start an investigation immediately in order to preserve the evidence and details in any case. I enjoy my work as a detective because the evidence is the truth and presenting the truth in a court of law is the ultimate justice. I have been trained on how to preserve the evidence and the chain of command for legal rules and court procedures. An experienced and talented investigator will utilize all tools, technology and forensic experts available in order to solve the case. In today’s advanced world there are labs and forensic experts who can identify fingerprints, DNA and preserve evidence for court trials. MJ is an expert at court testimonies and court procedures for preserving evidence and videos.

Orange County is a very unique and interesting place to live and discover. The people in Orange County are very business oriented, cool and absolutely kind. However, this type of environment is a magnet for criminals, fraudulent activity, and scammers. Orange County police and legal systems are overworked and populated with criminal cases which can lead to improper investigation.

Private Investigation MJ

I enjoy working as a private investigator because it feels good and righteous to help people in a time of need. Since I was 11 years old, I naturally liked to help people and this is a good karma that followed me all my life. As I grew up, I had no problem with volunteering my time and energy to help out anyone at any time.

Ironically, I didn’t plan to become a private investigator even though my interests were always towards law enforcement.

I am a faithful believer: “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. — Psalm 112:5 (NIV)”. I became a very successful private investigator with the good lord’s blessings.

A private investigator is viewed by society as a very interesting, respectful and a cool profession. Here are comments by a Swedish and an American attorney of the private investigation profession.

How do I view Private Investigator MJ ?

Private Investigation is an occupation that targets many different areas. It is extremely interesting, all-rounded as well as legal and stands the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. By being a lawyer with focus on criminal law, I have through my occupation come across Private Investigators. I highly appreciate their investigation methods, results, and help in many cases. Even though my general knowledge regarding private investigation is a bit higher than the general public (due to my occupation), there are many areas that I was unaware of before I was informed and came across it in my job.

I find Private Investigators in most cases very trustworthy with good knowledge regarding their legal rights, underlying policies and exclusionary rules in the matter. My personal opinion is that PI’s operate with respect to their clients and the people they investigate, which I find important. Furthermore, investigators can add to police investigations and find highly important evidence that can help solve a case and assist both the defense- and the prosecutor side. This is a safeguard with respect to the accused and the accuser. As well as for the jury that has to deliver an opinion based on the evidence presented in the case. And there is always a good time to hire a PI. Even though most of the times a person can handle matters on their own, private investigators assist in cases of; personal matters, surveillance, locating people, business help such as pre-employment screening, investments, works compensations claims, criminal background checks and law enforcement.

How do others possibly view Private Investigation?

What does a private investigator do? How do I know when to hire one and will he/she be able to help out with my case? Is he/she expensive? These are questions that often come up in discussions among my co-workers and in the media. Some people hire PI’s on a regular basis and it would be problematic for them to complete a case whether it is personal or professional without a one. Other people think PI is an occupation similar to an FBI agent’s, with other words, needed only in emergency cases, like a kidnapping or when it comes to national security. What most people do not know is that the need for a PI usually falls in between these matters. There are times when it could be really helpful and one could truly benefit from hiring a private investigator or a PI agency.

Moreover, my personal view is that people are unaware about private investigators instant access to public records. The fact that a PI can search court filings, criminal or civil charges filed and financial background for federal or state tax liens, frauds or other hidden assets is something most people do not know. People hesitate to request surveillance because they are not sure it is accurate or possible to hire a PI when they believe their partner is being deceitful or other important business matter. Women are in general more open to ask for help and hire a PI compared to men. A phenomenon that is interesting and I believe it has its foundation in the pride of men not to ask for help, especially when it comes to private family matters. When it comes to pre-employment screening, a prospective business partner or investments, men are more likely to conduct a PI investigation.

Although people are aware that PI’s can be hired for business help or for background searches and locating missing people, there are still several areas unknown for the general public. This is due to unawareness about when is a good time to hire an investigator. Is it proper to hire a PI to obtain information, identity or credibility? Is it proper to hire a PI when it comes to locate and recover property or verify employees’ claims? Sometimes it has to do with reputation. Some people find PI’s sketchy and untrustworthy or just the simple fact that people do not know how an investigator operates. By informing the general public about private investigations they can avoid scams and live free.

Marketing of the occupation PI? What can you (BLUE SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL) as a firm do better to reach out to the public?

The Internet has over the past few years drastically changed the way in which information is shared and has had a profound impact on marketing all over the world. I would say that over the past years, there has been more of a swift toward inbound marketing techniques rather than outbound tactics. By publishing original content rather than implant advertisement, a corporation can reach additional benefits, trust, and audience growth.

As a private investigation firm, establishing authority and gaining trust among the public, are key factors to create valuable content through a variety of channels. By being a young professional adult, the best way to target my group is through social media, articles on a business’s website, case studies through law schools, and universities and articles on other websites. By using these channels, positive reputation will be created. I do not believe marketing through television or radio is as effective as the inbound marketing. Fewer people watch television due to the fact it is time consuming. The general population uses their computer instead to stream the show they want to watch. Using inbound marketing, targeting and engaging a specific audience will be a winning strategy. The general public especially will benefit from finding private investigators trustworthy.

Other channels to reach the public are through social media, especially LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Instagram. These corporations have surged in popularity and provide business and a platform that has never been seen before. This type of media marketing forms and builds audiences across more channels than ever before.

As consumers, we are getting hit by an increasing number of advertisements and it’s become more important to make content digestible and easy. A website needs to be simple and clear to understand and place an emphasis on images, like well-placed pictures or provide statistical information or data from research studies. Blue System International considers this by hiring a web designer, looking into the infographics, and adding statistical information from research studies. Less is more and as a consumer or general public, the preference is simplicity. Clean and uncluttered. A website that screams “look at this/ look at me” will make the target group look at the opposite direction.

A potential client who lives in Orange County whose husband is in the Orange County jail called our Orange County Private Investigators firm for help. The husband needed to give his wife power of attorney to get his medical records. Per a court order, the wife was not allowed to visit her husband in the jail. Therefore, we deployed an investigator and a process server, who also acts as a notary, to visit the OC jail and meet with the husband to get the power of attorney signed and notarized. We are capable of providing these services within a timely manner and at a reasonable price. For a price quote and turn around time, please fill out our online form.

To inform the general public about the private investigator occupation, I reach out to universities and specifically law schools. I have a representative speaking on seminars, advertisements in the law school magazine/university magazine and job posting ads on alumni/grad schools job announcement websites. The word travels faster than anything and this is a target group to focus on and to inform.

Orange County Private Investigator

Blue Systems International private Investigators firm wants to give the clients the best and most accurate consultation and price quote; is one of the reasons we require the submission of the online form. Blue Systems International private Investigators firm has been a target of online cyber attacks and terrorism since the PI firm has been very successful prosecuting stalkers, scammers, cyberbullying criminals and defendants in many cases. This is another reason we require for all clients to fill out the online form prior to any consultation.

The private investigator intake form purpose is for the client to provide Blue Systems International with the necessary information in order to provide an accurate investigative consultation, a price quote, understanding of your case and to have accurate contact information for the client. Please fill out and submit the request for private investigation services via online intake form. The information that you will be providing is essential parts of the Investigative Process; For the investigation and will help private Investigator in many ways, such as efficiency, accuracy, and outstanding results. A private investigator intake form collects general and extensive Information from an Individual to build a client File. Inquiring Clients are required to provide information starting from name, phone number, and address ranging to occupation and Type of Investigation interested in. Being one of the first means of communication, Client Intake Forms make as an effective way for Investigators to gain initial insight on individual cases. Therefore making all information collected pertinent to the prospective case. All information should be filled out honestly and to the best of the individual's legal knowledge. Please answer all questions to the best of your ability and knowledge. If you don’t know the answer or the question may not apply to you; Please skip it to the next question. Please make sure to click on submit in order for the private investigation firm to receive your intake form.

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