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Business Integrity Investigation

Retail Integrity Checks

A trained private investigator can travel to your business, analyze, investigate, and report back to you.

An Integrity Check is a burdened issue, but sometimes can be very necessary. They are an exclusive way for the client to find out how their business is running. The main goal of our investigator is to figure out whether your corporate policy is properly being conducted at the way you have instructed. If you think that your employees are mistreating your business or profits, Blue System’s Investigations can discretely observe what is actually going on. We will investigate and report back what we find to you whether it is negative or positive.

A logo for private investigator international with an eagle

For example, let’s say the setting is a bar; one of our professionally trained investigators will pose in as a regular typical customer. He or she will record all observations found during his stay so evidence could be used for any legal actions. More than 60 percent of business report that there has been a mishandling of corporation policy; don’t let that happen with yours! The investigator will find out if the bartenders or waitresses are giving out free food or drinks, pocketing cash, incorrectly distributing tips, etc.

Do your employees have a specific protocol that they are instructed to follow? How will you ever know for sure if it is being properly executed? You can’t be everywhere observing everything on your own.

Not only do we investigate if they are stealing money or giving away things for free, but we observe to find out if there is any time wasting going on. Remember that time is money! You do not want your employees doing a specific task or not doing anything at all because what’s the point of them being there? You can’t work at 100% all day long, but some employees will take advantage and deliberately waste time. We can catch that for you!

Some of the common businesses that we check are Bars, Restaurants, Hotels, Retail Shops, Sporting Events, Theaters, and general business corporations.

If your business is a restaurant we can pose as a typical customer and blend in naturally. One of our experienced private investigators will be able to find out if any of your employee’s are doing anything against protocol. We will find out if they are giving away free food to customers, mishandling their tips, or pocketing cash instead of properly implementing them into the register.

There are always those kinds of employees who will take a risk to benefit their friends if they know they can get away with it and if no one is around to see it, they can. They may be a great employee and a good person, but when the opportunity presents itself, they can change. Like at a movie theater, how many people do you think get inside for free a day? How much money does that add up a month? Any little misconduct can add up and can turn into a substantial loss for your company, especially if you never catch who’s doing it. Our private investigators can pose as a normal citizen for let’s say a theater and can observe the facility to see if anything incorrectly is being done. We can wait in line to see if an employee is selling the tickets properly. We can order food and observe at the concession stand to see if any employee is giving away free drinks or popcorn, it happens more then you may think.

If you suspect misconduct at your business, or have heard about it, act now because you deserve to know the truth. This is your company and the people you are paying to work there shouldn’t be stealing from you.

Blue Systems Investigations grants your consumers and marketplace by offering real time reporting at a reasonable price. Do you want to know if your end cap display was set or if your product is actually on the shelf it’s supposed to be? How about the prices of your competitor’s? There’s absolutely no service that we can’t provide when it comes to Integrity Checks for your business.

Not only will you save money with our service, but you’ll receive better workmanship from employees. Everyone will be more alert if they hear or see an investigation. The morality and integrity will rise.

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