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August 15, 2019

August 15, 2019

August 15, 2019

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Rape is a crime of non-humans who are evil to a point of no return and should be punished by law accordingly.  Rape not only damages a person’s body, emotions and well being but it goes further into the soul.  Any criminal who committed this crime should be removed from society and imprisoned for the rest of their lives; attempting to seek forgiveness.

Here is a very sad story, that makes one angry and aggravated.

At least three men gang-raped me beginning August 23rd, 2013. They continued gang-raping me into August 24th. The first three men gang-raped me after incapacitating me, and rendering me unconscious. A fourth man attempted to rape me later in the night/morning during a brief, minutes-long, return to consciousness. The attempted rapist walked out of the room laughing, “oh shit– she’s awake!” after I drowsily snapped at him, to more gang-rapists/gang-rape facilitators, as the second black-out overtook me. The gang-rapists and gang-rape facilitators may have gang-raped me/genitally assaulted me more, but they began gang-raping me while I was incapacitated and later unconscious. Thus obliterating any chance after the first 3 men gang-raped me and the fourth man attempted to rape me, that I could recollect how the gang-rapists continued that night.

[Note on evidence: this was told August 25th as soon as I was lucid to 2 responding USC officers, 2 responding LAPD police officers, and a responding LAPD detective (not assigned to my case). The 2 responding police officers and the responding LAPD detective asked my dad and I to return to the scene of the gang-rapists’ crime*. During the evidence collection, another female LAPD detective arrived, and I may have also explicated the gang-rapists’ timeline to her. The next day, my family and I went to my gynecologist, and I explicated the gang-rapists’ timeline to him as he corroborated that the gang-rapists genitally traumatized me notably when they were gang-raping me; (as the rape kit nurse also recorded on the night of August 25th, 2014, wherein I explicated the gang-rapists’ attack to her and the responding advocate). Within the next week, I again reiterated how the men gang-raped me and related events to the USC judicial department head, and the USC investigator on the case against one of the identified gang-rapists who was a USC student. I also explicated the perpetrators’ gang-raping me and related events to LAPD Detectives 1 and 2. In addition, I explicated the perpetrators’ gang-raping me and related events to my psychiatrist. The gang-rapists massively traumatizing me forced me to drop out of school. Especially in light of the fact that the gang-rapists publicized the fact that they gang-raped me, with “but it wasn’t gang-rape”. To the point where strangers in Orange County 50 miles away knew my name. I also began attending individual therapy sessions at a rape crisis center (ten as provided by law). My family also hired a trauma specialist therapist for me in addition to the aforementioned necessary psychiatric intervention (psychiatrist– to deal with the gang-rapists’ inflicted trauma, I am currently on 300mg of Lamictal and 30mg of Adderall to combat hypersomnia wherein I sleep 16 hours a day due to what is debilitating clinical depression without the medication). I then attended two rounds of group therapy for rape survivors, both 8 weeks once a week. Three different therapists presided over the two separate rounds total, who have this on record. In addition, after these men gang-raped me, I refused to obfuscate the fact that they gang-raped me out of “shame”, as the shame is theirs for gang-raping me. So my mother and father told all of our family friends that these men gang-raping me forced me to drop out of school, and that this is why I was home when I was meant to be at USC. My parents told everyone who inquired as per my request because they chose to gang-rape me, perpetrators choose to rape people and annihilate the physical free will and bodily autonomy of their target, and such was therefore the gang-rapists’ ethical issue; not mine. Thus, I was very righteous about telling the truth to everyone that asked. On a practical level, there are also records of that insofar as email and witnesses. In addition, I told all of my friends still in Orange County, who can also attest to the fact that these men gang-raped me and inflicted massive trauma and traumatic symptomatology unto me. I also contacted the fraternity president of the USC gang-rapist, and have that on record; (the identified USC gang-rapist dropped out of school and fled to Missouri in the course of the USC case, which already attests wonders, as he refused to speak to USC during the academic case).
As such, there is official testimony by all LAPD and USC responding officers and investigators, save serious gross incompetence (though I wouldn’t be surprised), confirmed USC judicial testimony which I have the documents of, multitudinous medical/psychological testimony, the fact that I dropped out of school in itself, and numerous other witnesses to the fact that these men gang-raping and traumatizing me wretched the direction of my life. Insofar as investigation, in an obvious and highly recorded manner. The testimony has remained constant, and I have all records.]

After I regained consciousness, I called my family (from the Lorenzo, an apartment complex near USC). After the men gang-raped me, I wanted to be somewhere familiar, so my father and I went to UCI hospital’s emergency room, to test for the gang-rapists’ biological evidence, and to medically document their infliction of genital trauma as the gang-rapists inflicted major physical pain onto me (rape kit; I grew up in Orange County). UCI’s emergency room denied us a rape kit. UCI broke California Penal Code Section 11160, when they did not immediately alert the police that people had gang-raped me; (CA Law: legally required to report that someone committed a rape without exception– anonymously if the rapist’s victim does not want to be named). UCI can also be charged, (and will be charged) with criminal negligence, spoliation of evidence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress; (all as defined by California law). 

To define the latter, the UCI emergency room secretary did not deem it an emergency that my dad and I immediately reported that men had gang-raped me, that the gang-rapists likely drugged me (based on witness testimony– apartment suitemate with me throughout the night until she went to sleep), and that we demanded a rape kit as soon as possible due to the deterioration speed of the gang-rapists’ biological evidence and the gang-rapists’ potential use of rohypnol. Despite the fact that people just gang-raped me/committed a felony/the law required UCI to report/basic human decency, the secretary made my dad and I wait over an hour in the emergency room when we continually implored her to tell a nurse or doctor that men had just gang-raped me and a rape kit was necessary. We then waited for an hour, only for the nurse to claim we were “in the wrong jurisdiction”, and to deny us care. The UCI hospital emergency staff then dismissed my shell-shocked father and I, despite vast quantities of scientific and medical literature regarding acute rape trauma and empathetic trauma. UCI dismissing us also constitutes criminal negligence, (one or both of us could have self-injured/allowing us to drive in such a state would be UCI’s responsibility should manslaughter have occurred). Trauma related catatonic state and rape traumatic shell shock compelled me to shower; (see medical literature).

I went to the University of Southern California (my college) the next day, August 25th, 2014. As the men that gang-raped me were strangers, we did not know their full names or whether or not the gang-rapists were USC students. Thus, USC called the LAPD with my consent. The gang-rapists were reported, and detectives from the Newton Division were assigned the case against the men that gang-raped me.

The LAPD has assigned 3 different detectives to the case against the men that gang-raped me over the course of 16 months. The 2nd detective maliciously harassed me whenever I called to inquire as to whether the LAPD had tested for the gang-rapists’ biological evidence. Detective 2 continually heckled me about how focusing on the gang-rapists’ case was me “ruining my own life”, when I was merely checking in about once a month to ensure that the detectives were not grossly incompetent; intentional infliction of emotional distress, even separate from the fact that they are grossly incompetent on record (as to come). Detective 2 refused to tell me anything about my case citing potentially “tainted testimony”. Which I understand. 

However, Detective 2 told me when I asked if only 4 men gang-raped me/attempted to also gang-rape me/facilitated the gang-rapists, that “there were other men present”– which means at least six men were present while at least 3 were gang-raping me. Six men at the very least. Then Detective 2 acridly reiterated whenever I called that she couldn’t tell me about the rape kit because such would “taint my testimony”, when her divulging even more potential gang-rapists did not. “Did the gang-rapists leave any biological evidence?” is a “Yes/No” question revealing nothing about the events of the night they gang-raped me. Telling me that at least two more men were there, and also either gang-raped me, or facilitated the others gang-raping me by refusing to call 911– That’s something which would taint my testimony far more gravely. I will also note here that LAPD Detectives 1 and 2 did not subject the identified gang-rapists to a police lineup. They showed me the gang-rapists’ Facebook pictures. This may or may not have broken the law/protocol. When they asked me to identify the men that gang-raped me, they just showed me faces without any other options. Basically: “is this one of the men that gang-raped you?” (Shows two pictures of the same man). My gut tells me that this is illegal and taints testimony based on the nature of memory.

Detective 2 was then replaced by Detective 3. Within the last month, my family, my lawyers (principal and managing principal of Hollins Law in Orange County– close family friends), my anti-rape activist, and other intimate friends, my best friend, and I have decided that we are approaching the media, and will approach Gloria Allred when there is enough evidence against the LAPD*; (see note below). Therefore, I began to contact the LAPD about my case again. Newly galvanized by the fact that Detective 2 and her maliciousness, (which was later revealed to be a cover-up for the LAPD’s gross negligence), would stop re- traumatizing me. Detective 2 re-traumatized me, inculcating me with frightened horror, in regards to actively seeking justice against the men that gang-raped me/pressuring the LAPD for due justice and continued attention in investigating the men that gang-raped me. When Detective 2 was reassigned, I finally felt safe enough to call the LAPD again, which further attests to Detective 2’s maliciousness; (I will state here that Detectives 1 and 3 did not re-traumatize me via maliciousness).

*Because of the LAPD’s disgusting negligence, I have begun video-taping all of my conversations with the LAPD and the District Attorney’s office within the last week. I understand California law, and that I cannot record a conversation without the consent of all conversationalists. Thus, I have used Mac Photobooth to video record my side of all recent conversations, keep paper notes during the phone calls, and then immediately reiterate what the Detective or DA-personnel are claiming on the phone to the camera without their actual voices being recorded.

Within the last few days wherein I’ve began recording:
Wednesday, December 17th, 2014: Detective 3 tells me that the LAPD has submitted my case to the DA already. Detective 3 continually prefaces her comments with, “I don’t know much about your case because it was Detective 2’s case”. Detective 2 left the precinct. It is now Detective 3’s case. She has to check the file because, “I’m not familiar with your case”. Detective 3 says that the case has been declined by the DA. I ask what it means when a case is declined. Detective 3 says that a declined case requires further investigation or will be rejected for criminal indictment. I ask who is investigating the men that gang-raped me. There is a pause. “Who should be investigating the case?”. “Oh, that would be my partner or I! We’re the only two detectives in this precinct”. That’s existentially tragicomic, considering that this is (presumably) the precinct covering all of USC. Also, implied: the LAPD is not investigating the open case against the men that gang-raped me. The LAPD does not even know which cases against rapists/gang-rapists are open.
Wednesday, December 17th: I called the DA’s office earlier that day and left a message inquiring as to the status of the case against the gang-rapists. A woman leaves a 15 second voice-mail telling me that I should call back the DA’s office concerning “a rejection” in the afternoon.
Thursday, December 18th: Calling the DA’s office. Assume that the DA is the one who left me a voicemail message informing me that he/she rejected my case. The DA did not care enough to tell me his/herself that he/she was rejecting the case and why. Also, no one respected me enough to even speak to me to inform me that the DA is not criminally indicting the men that gang-raped me. When this is obviously emotional information and deserves the basic human dignity of a conversation. The person at the DA’s desk answers the phone, and informs me that everyone is at a Christmas luncheon. In addition, she tells me that she does not know how to work the message system because “this is not my department”. Which is hilarious considering that it is the office specifically handling rape and genital assault cases, apparently, very sensitively.
Thursday, December 18th: Detective 3 tells me that the rape kit has none of the gang-rapists’ biological evidence in it, and that only 2 cotton swabs tested for any of the gang-rapists’ DNA, and in negligible amounts. She also tells me that she “doesn’t know” if the men that gang-raped me took picture or video of themselves gang-raping me/if any gang-rape facilitators took picture or video of the perpetrators gang-raping me. She did not know that the District Attorney rejected the case against the men that gang-raped me even though it is her case. She claims that the DA office should’ve sent a report to the LAPD about why they rejected the gang-rapists’ case. The report does not exist: either the LAPD or the DA’s office is incompetent/lying. Detective 3 tells me that I should call the first DA because “the new DA might not know much about your case”. She also tells me to contact/that she will also contact Detectives 1 and 2. In addition, Detective 3 began the conversation lying to me about how she “tried to contact” me, when there was no record of missed calls, and when the DA’s secretary did manage to leave a voicemail message, and also was displayed as a missed call.
Friday, December 19th: I call the DA’s office again. The secretary claims that she did not call about a case rejection, and tells me that my case is not even in the system. I record her voicemail message, and play it back to her while she is on the phone, wherein she clearly states to call her back about a “rejection”. She ignores the recording and repeats that the gang-rapists’ case is not in the system. I tell her that I am either suing the DA’s office or the LAPD, and going to the media. After threatening her with legal action and public shaming, she finally stops repeating herself to no avail, and relays the call to the assistant deputy DA. The assistant deputy finds the case against the gang-rapists using one of their names, which means either the system is down, which he cited, or that the DA actually misspelled my name. Then for one month, denied that the DA’s office had the gang-rapists’ case. The assistant deputy states that on January 15th, 2014, the first DA, (since replaced by a new DA without anyone alerting me), filed the investigation as “pending”. The assistant deputy also states that the computer file has not been updated since January 15th. He then says that he needs to speak to the first DA, about why the case against the men that gang-raped me is pending. Also implying that the second DA knows nothing about the gang-rape case, and that he himself certainly doesn’t. It also means that the DA’s office outright lost DA 1’s report, or that DA 1 never actually wrote an explanation for why she “pended” my case. Which is breaking DA protocol. ****The assistant deputy also states that the LAPD has not tested the rape kit, and therefore is lying about the fact that there is no evidence in the rape kit****. The assistant deputy also admits that rape kit testing takes “a long time”, but that the rape kit should have been tested by now. The assistant deputy gives me the number of his supervisor and tells me that she is in the office Monday. I will also be videotaping that conversation on my side.
I emailed Detectives 1 and 2, and can forward this email (to– everyone– and I plan on eventually publishing every single video and email so that no one can argue about lack of transparency and/or lack of criminal negligence by the LAPD and/or DA). Detectives 1 and 2 have not emailed me back regarding my case; (I emailed them on the 18th).

Thus is the LAPD’s case against the men that gang-raped me so far. Basically, nothing. My family and I are seeking a private investigator to further reveal and verify the LAPD’s criminal negligence. Considering that the LAPD lied about the rape kit, my family and I also believe that they may have neglected to pull the gang-rapists’ phone records. The fourth attempted gang-rapist was someone I had never seen before, (the first three men that gang-raped me included one of the neighbors, and by extension, his friends/co-perpetrators– so I technically had seen them before/met them 2 hours prior to when they began gang-raping me). When the first three men were gang-raping me, I highly doubt they believed it a good idea to go shouting down the halls, “hey, we’re gang-raping a girl, who wants in?”. The gang-rapists certainly left an electronic footprint. We do not know if the LAPD pulled this, and they refused to tell us even though this would not taint my testimony.

My lawyers, support network, family, and I will approach Gloria Allred when I feel emotionally prepared, and confident in my academic performance next semester; (I am expecting to take 20 units, as the only time I am not depressed is when I’m intellectually engaged to the edge of anxiety– I’m going to medical school; I have a 3.83, and straight As next semester will bring me to a 3.87, or in other words, a 3.9; Harvard Medical School’s average GPA is a 3.8. I must have time to evaluate what extracurriculars and courses must be dropped insofar as gang-rape case stress/media stress, as then I can lower it to 16 units and drop planned volunteer work at a rape crisis center if it is necessary).

We were curious if a private investigator wanted to investigate the LAPD’s negligence in the case against the men that gang-raped me pro-bono. Firstly, this is an egregious human rights violation, further compounded by the fact that it is legally obvious* that these men gang-raped me and must be criminally indicted. The case against the men that gang-raped me does and will represent police mishandling of the vast majority of American gang-rape cases. There is therefore, a compelling ethical motivation, and human honor. Secondly, considering that we’re going to the media regardless, a private investigator that helps reveal the LAPD’s criminal negligence regarding an obvious gang-rape case, in the current media firestorm involving rape case mishandling, will have a huge amount of potential clientele, should the private investigator fulfill their duty extraordinarily. Especially considering that egregious and criminally negligent rape case mishandling is endemic to our society. It’s also an intellectual challenge in itself insofar as any private investigator that wants to expose the LAPD, (and the UCI hospital).

Also in relation to approaching Gloria Allred, my family is not interested in the money. My family agrees to do whatever I want in this case. I want to donate the money to the Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center, rape crisis centers which have helped me, and to other anti-rape activist organizations; (perhaps after covering legal and medical fees, and presenting verification of all financial statements– legal and medical fees, and then donations auditing online– for greatest transparency). I will disclose that my family is safely in America’s top 1% measured by net worth. We don’t need the money past legal and medical fees, and would actually be fine without any compensation for said legal and medical fees. However, there is definitely an appeal to human morality, and then self-interest to working the case pro-bono.

In addition/and/or, whoever takes this case as a private investigator can have a percentage of any civil suit returns as can be decided by my lawyers and any other lawyers who will also be taking on my case; (we have the managing principal and principal of Hollins Law in Orange County because they are family friends, and will also be approaching Gloria Allred, perhaps even someone more specialized in between as we want all due diligence, to the greatest extent, to be completed before media approach). I am disclosing this only to illustrate that this would be a profoundly important case, impervious from any claims of financial incentive, because we’ll publicly prove that money is ultimately worthless.

Money is ultimately worthless, in light of the fact that all of the institutions meant to ensure justice are perpetuating an entire culture which re-traumatizes the innocent. Society resting on the laurels of its toxic pillars, does more than individually re-traumatize victims. Through their criminally negligent and morally egregious apathy, the institutions that claimed they would defend us from evil acts are the ones making them ceaseless by absolving rapists through their inaction. What the LAPD is doing to me is exactly why perpetrators keep raping more people. When rapists aren’t punished, it instructs them, “Don’t worry. Keep going. You only have to take rape as seriously as the police.”

What the LAPD is doing, and by extrapolation, what the criminal justice system does after perpetrators rape innocents, is a human rights violation. Rape is an act of torture wherein the rapist completely annihilates the physical free will and bodily autonomy of another human being, twists them into a flesh and organ shell, and reinforces that the rapist is completely obliterating their free will, when the rapist then maims them with his/her will. Rape is related to genocide and slavery because all institutions define human beings as objects; genocide: “these are not human beings, they’re actually insects to massacre”; and slavery: “no, these aren’t humans– these are ‘beasts of burden’, and they do what we want– animals don’t have a choice”. Rape is the same act on an individual level– “this is not a human being whom has free will and bodily autonomy– this is a thing, and I’ll do whatever I want with it”.

After someone rapes you or some people gang-rape you, oftentimes, the mind disassociates completely from the body. My mind evacuated my body for quite some time. My body just happened to have a reaction which allowed us to collect much more evidence than the average rape survivor (attempting to go to the hospital, going to the police, etc). In addition, by accident of birth, I was born to ethically magnificent parents, and with resilient and profoundly empathetic siblings. By luck, I have spiritually beautiful friends who all know that these men gang-raped me and support my approaching the media, a best friend who is also the love of my life, a level of intelligence and natural resilience which ensures that these men gang-raping me will not dampen my life outcomes (insofar as my dream of being a psychiatrist and otherwise an enriched, moral, fulfilled human being), a cadre of amazing medical support, generous family friend lawyers, and financial power. My largest functional issue in the last month was the fact that I had, at that point, a B in German as opposed to other straight As, and– other than that, that I’m still prone to over-guessing severities of situations, anxiety attacks, and snapping at my best friend, who always forgives me. Suffice to say that, however excruciating, I will bear the weight because I can bear the weight– It would be a violation of my ethical code otherwise; an ethical code which would take a while to explain, but I digress. Considering that I’m of the mind that a human being can be destroyed, but never defeated– I will legally slaughter the men that gang-raped me as much as possible in a fair fight. 3 of them gang-raped me, 6 or more menaced and may have further maimed me throughout the night– 3 to 6 or more against one isn’t fair. Except in a court room.

So if anyone wants to help my family, friends, and I uncover more about the identified gang-rapists and the LAPD’s criminal negligence, please contact me. We’re also willing to pay anyone who believes that they can offer superior services, and has handled many criminally negligent rape case issues before. The money doesn’t matter; taking the case pro-bono as either a moral honor or media bid was simply a suggestion. There is only one truly important thing:
The men that gang-raped me must be imprisoned, and the LAPD and UCI punished; all publicly shamed, until they change current policy; (I have policy suggestions which would help– another lengthy digression).

On the case being obvious:
The gang-rapists’ defense could argue that I cannot prove that they gang-raped me as defined by incapacitation or unconsciousness as are points 3 and 4 in California Penal Code Section 261 (the rape code), due to UCI’s failed drug-test incompetence. Point 2 of said section defines that it is rape when the rapists threaten the victim with physical harm, hold the victim under duress, or menace them (paraphrased, truncated). Menace is to inculcate the victim with a sense of danger to their physical person, as legally defined. Three to six men against someone of my size; three to six people against any individual, is menacing by law. The LAPD at the very least, (save horrific lying), has video of at least six men entering and leaving the scene of the gang-rapists’ crime. The rape kit nurse, at the very least, has already marked that they gang-rapists genitally traumatized me in a visible manner on medical record. Even that is already enough to criminally indict the men that gang-raped me based on CA Penal Code section 261 point 2 and given the legal definition of menace when combined with the most basic elements of the case. All it requires is a cursory glance over rape law.

So let me know.

*Also, when I say that I’m fine in day to day functioning… The men gang-raping me massively traumatized me insofar as affecting my faith in humanity, trying to not feel absolutely terrified and disgusted by human bodies, serious dysfunctions around males and androphobia wherien I no longer want to speak to males besides my best friend, the sense that the men that gang-raped me murdered a large time portion of my young life wherein I should’ve been learning and developing as a human being safely instead of dealing with their crippling gang-rape, etc. I merely mean that day to day, I’m a happy person, and have the support necessary to alleviate what the gang-rapists inflicted on me and bear the weight of this case. 

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